Our Community
Emmaus Brighton & Hove is the largest Emmaus Community in the UK.
We know that overcoming homelessness often means more than a roof over your head. That’s why Emmaus supports people to work their way out of homelessness, provides purpose as well as a stable home for as long as someone needs it. In the past 26 years Emmaus Brighton & Hove has provided a unique solution to combatting homelessness to over 1,500 Companions (residents) many of whom have complex needs.
We continue to grow, evolve and develop our Community and its social enterprises despite facing many of the challenges common to the charity sector today. This shows up in the organisation’s positive spirit and ‘can do’ approach to taking on new opportunities and improvements, to be the best it can be.
Our impact does not stop at providing home, support and opportunity for Companions. Our Community helps those in need through acts of Solidarity, creates rewarding volunteering opportunities, generates employment and supports a variety local businesses.
Emmaus is a secular movement with 400 communities and groups spanning 40 countries, with 30 Communities in the UK. Each Community aims to become self-supporting, with any surplus donated to others in need.
You can read Direction 2030 here. Our Community's strategy into the next decade.