Leave a gift in your will
One of the best ways you can support Brighton & Hove Emmaus is by leaving a gift for us in your Will
A legacy payment of this kind, large or small, enables us to maintain our community, providing accommodation, work, support and stability for close to fifty people who might otherwise end up on the streets. It’s thanks to such gifts that we’ve been able to run our Portslade community for the last twenty years, with more than a thousand Companions passing through our doors.
If you have supported Emmaus during your lifetime by donating or buying goods from us or attending our events, a gift in your Will allows you to continue that support when you are no longer here to assist us in person. It guarantees that your wishes are respected by those left behind. And it’s tax free – which in some circumstances may reduce the amount of inheritance tax you need to pay.
One in three people, when asked, say that they would be happy to leave a charitable gift once their loved ones are taken care of. But unfortunately only just over 6% of people actually do. So in this, our birthday year, we are asking all our supporters to consider it.
Alternatively, if you are bereaved yourself, a donation in memory of your loved one can be a wonderful way to remember them and celebrate their lives; many people now request a memorial of this nature for a family member rather than floral donations.
Making a legacy to us is easy. You can include us in a new Will, or you can add a codicil to an existing one (we recommend this is done through a solicitor.) If you wish, you can pledge your legacy in advance – this does not legally bind you in any way, but does help Emmaus in its financial planning for the future.
None of us lives forever, but a legacy gift ensures that you continue to help people beyond your own lifetime, and far into the future. So do please think of us when you are arranging your personal affairs.
Further information is available from:
- Karen Chapman at Emmaus Brighton at Karen@emmausbrighton.co.uk or 01273 426473
- Dan Booth at Emmaus UK at fundraising@emmaus.org.uk or 0300 303 7555, who can provide you with helpful literature, pledge forms and donation-in-memory forms.
You can download a form here. Donations via Emmaus UK can be directed to the Brighton & Hove community on request.